How To Get Started On Your Fitness Journey

How To Get Started On Your Fitness Journey

If you are reading this, it means you are in a position wherein you want to make real, lasting change. Whether that means you are leaving behind a series of failed exercise plans or want to feel a little more comfortable in your own skin, it’s important that you know that fitness is a lifelong journey. When you find a way to incorporate it into your daily life, you’ll be able to enjoy a range of benefits in no time at all. For example, regular exercise and healthy eating can: 

  • Repair your relationship with your body, boosting your confidence.

  • Lift your mood and spirits considerably. 

  • Provide you with a healthy way to handle stress and anxiety.

  • Help you uncover new hobbies, passions, and interests.

  • Help you connect with other like-minded individuals. 

  • Change your relationship with food.

However, the first step towards change is always the hardest - as you may be lacking the appropriate motivation, dealing with self-doubt, or simply have no idea where to get started. 

With that in mind, here are some simple ways to get started on your fitness journey. 

Learn more about your body. If you want to take better care of your body, you have to gain a deeper understanding of it. By listening to your body, you’ll be able to understand exactly what it needs and when, banishing unhealthy cravings and saying goodbye to health issues such as poor nutrition and lack of sleep. If you want to gain a more comprehensive glimpse into your body, consider completing one of the tests from Dynamic DNA Laboratories - which can provide you with the insight you need to implement real change. 

Find an activity that excites you. Sometimes, it can be hard to find the motivation to exercise - especially if you are tired or overwhelmed by your busy work schedule. One way you can find it easier to feel excited by exercise is by finding an activity you love. That way, you’ll actually look forward to it throughout the day as opposed to trying to find excuses to skip a session and stay at home instead. Thankfully, there are hundreds of different workouts you can choose from, such as: 

  • Yoga

  • Running

  • Kickboxing

  • Wrestling 

  • Dance Fitness 

  • Hiking 

  • Pilates 

Hold yourself accountable. When embarking upon your fitness journey, you must find a way to hold yourself accountable for your actions. You can do this by setting aside some time each day for you to dedicate to exercise and clearly marking it on your calendar. When exercise is scheduled in the same way you would plan for a meeting or a dinner date, it’s easier to hold yourself accountable. Another way you can remain motivated is by working out with a close friend or family member - as you’re less likely to skip a workout if someone else is waiting for you to do it together.

Remember that it’s okay to take a break. While holding yourself accountable is definitely important, you also need to ensure that you are giving yourself plenty of rest and relaxation. Pushing yourself too far could lead to injuries or burnout, which could send you right back to square one. 

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