The Importance Of Good Health During The Pandemic

The Importance Of Good Health During The Pandemic

Cover Photo By Photo by Carl Barcelo

2020 is a year defined by a virus. COVID-19 continues to sweep across countries. Many people are feeling anxious right now and are scared of catching it. Statistically speaking, most people who contract it will have only mild to moderate symptoms. However, some people with certain health conditions, or over a certain age are more likely to develop complications. 

While there isn’t anything you can do about your age or many preexisting conditions, there are things you can do with regards to your general health and wellbeing, which will lower your weight, improve your general health and lower your risk of complications. 


The cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle is a good diet. For optimal health try and eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Try not to eat too much-processed food and refined sugars. If you follow a specific type of diet, ensure that you’re not missing out on any important vitamins and nutrients by taking a supplement or Metagenics Probiotics. There’s no need to cut out everything you enjoy, just remember that moderation is the key. 

A good diet will stabilize your blood sugar, give you energy, and keep your immune system in good condition. You’ll also be better able to control your weight (or lose it if you need to) and reduce your risk of certain health issues. 


Obesity is a high-risk factor for COVID-19 complications. Research has shown that over 39% of adults and 18A% of children are classed as obese. Being overweight can put you at a far higher risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and stroke. 

In conjunction with a healthy diet, a consistent exercise regime is the best way to lose weight and improve cardiovascular health. 

It is recommended that adults get approximately 150 minutes of exercise per week. Try and create a program that includes elements of cardio, strength training, and deep stretching (such as yoga). 

If you haven’t exercised in a long time, start slowly and build up. Even starting to take a  walk regularly will have health benefits for you. The best type of exercise is one that you will stick to consistently as a lifestyle choice. 

Mental Health

It’s vital that we look after our mental health as well as our physical health too. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused or exacerbated mental health issues in many people, even those who have never had any issues in this area. 

In addition to people worrying about the health of themselves and their loved ones, they are also experiencing anxiety, loneliness, and uncertainty over their professional and financial futures.  Even though many people are experiencing the same thing, it’s difficult not to feel alone. 

In order to keep yourself mentally healthy, or manage the symptoms, try and remove yourself from the constant media onslaught of bad news and exaggerations. Stick to a trusted news source and avoid social media. 

If you’re isolating at home by yourself, try and keep busy and stay in some kind of a routine. Once the novelty of being at home all day has worn off, the structure of a daily routine gives us something to focus on. 

Indulging a hobby or learning a new skill can help you to keep your mind occupied.  Maintaining a good diet and exercise program has been shown to stabilize your mood and promote better sleep, which is a key factor in a healthy lifestyle. Experts recommend getting between 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. 

Some people react well to practicing mindfulness or journaling. If this is something that you would like to try there are many resources on the internet to get your started. The important thing is to find something that works for you. 

If you do feel like you are struggling to cope, don’t be afraid to get help. This could involve talking about your feelings to friends and family or, a mental health professional. People often push their mental health needs to the side but neglecting this crucial element of our health could have catastrophic consequences. 


There’s no getting away from the fact that these are worrying times. While many things may seem to be out of our control, there are things that we can influence, and one of these things is our own health and wellbeing. By taking control of our health, we improve our overall quality of life and reduce the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. 

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